Valknut symbol with meaning
Valknut symbol with meaning

valknut symbol with meaning

The Norse ‘Valknut’ symbol is usually linked to the god Odin and may refer to the glory of death in battle. As Odin is closely connected with the gathering of fallen warriors to Valhalla, the valknut may be a symbol of death in battle. The symbol’s original meaning is unclear, but it appears in close proximity to the father of the gods, Odin, on the stones. It depicts a valknut – an image that appears on two Viking-Age stones from Sweden carved with scenes from Norse mythology, including the Stora Hammars I stone on the island of Gotland. The ‘Yggdrasil’ or Tree of Life, from Norse mythology has been co-opted by some far-right groups.Ībove these tattoos with a central place in Norse mythology is one that is more contentious. Unlike Thor’s hammer, it was only rarely depicted by the Vikings, and representations such as the one below are modern interpretations. Yggdrasill is the giant ash tree that supports the Norse cosmos, its branches reaching into sky realms inaccessible to humans, and its roots to the subterranean realm of the dead. Mjölnir is one symbol we can be pretty sure was used by the original adherents of the Norse belief system, perhaps to summon the protection of the god Thor. The ‘Mjölnir’: a hammer wielded by Thor, the Norse god of thunder. On his torso he has a large Thor’s hammer, known as Mjölnir, and what appears to be an image of the Norse world tree, Yggdrasill. One thing that should make it very clear where Angeli’s politics lie are his tattoos. He was quickly alleged to be an adherent of the QAnon conspiracy theory – though not before fake rumours spread that he was actually an antifa “plant”. The individual in question has since been identified in the media as a far-right activist from Arizona by the name of Jacob Chansley (also known as Jake Angeli). Images of him in his weird costume have been shared across the globe – he seems to perfectly encapsulate the absurdity of the mob takeover of America’s sacred seat of power. The defining image of the storming of the US Capitol on January 6 was undoubtedly that of a bare-chested man posing resplendent in a horned fur hat and face paint. This content is shared here because the topic may interest Snopes readers it does not, however, represent the work of Snopes fact-checkers or editors. This article about ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jake Angeli is republished here with permission from The Conversation. This article originally appeared on The Conversation.

Valknut symbol with meaning